TopBidder is a radical auction protocol of NFT. The artist, by renovating NFT protocol, introduced bidding function to enable the on-blockchain auto-transfer of asset ownership and control power. Each bidding price shall increase by a fixed percentage of 10% to ensure the premium to be allocated to original artist, previous bidder, community supporter and sponsor of bidder. Such mechanism ensures the permanent circulation of art works even if collectors are not willing to sell or private keys are lost. Only the bidder with the highest price can own the art work, and the original artist is encouraged by the permanent share of earnings on a fixed rate.
Top Bidder是一个非同质化代币的激进拍卖协议。艺术家通过改造NFT协议,引入竞拍函数实现资产控制权的链上自动转移。每次竞拍作品价格都以10%固定幅度上涨,其中的溢价分配至艺术家,上位竞拍人,社区支持者以及竞拍者的推荐人。此机制避免了藏家惜售或私钥丢失而导致作品无法流通,只有出价最高的人才能拥有作品,同时保证了艺术家对作品的永久固定比例收益权。
The protocol of TopBidder, rather than any piece of art work auctioned on this platform, is the work of the artist. The artist puts forward a new set of rules on the underlying logic of art market, helps all involved artists to be preponderant in the market, meanwhile it also creates a novel type of art form, i.e., bidders become co-creators of art work and can be recorded permanently in blockchain along with the circulation of work.
TopBidder这个拍卖协议是艺术家的作品,而并非平台内拍卖的某一副作品。艺术家对艺术品市场的底层逻辑提出了新的规则,让艺术家占据主动权。同时创造了一种新的艺术创作形态 —— 竞拍者可以成为作品的共同创作者,并伴随作品的流转永久记录在区块链之上。

私人货币:ZR在Top Bidder上的拍卖