Red and Blue

This blockchain artwork, titled Red and Blue


was conceived in 2018 during the Sino-US trading conflicts.


It was formally released in October 2019.


I took the colours red and blue representing respectively the national flags of China and the United States of America, and divided the gradients between the two colours into 100 blocks.


Each coloured block is one individual NFT.


They were all placed on Opensea, a blockchain auction platform, open to bidding for over a year.


The artist did not try to dictate the meanings, but merely observed changes in the pricing of each block over the auctioning year.


During most of the year, few people placed any bids,


but in the last month towards the end of the public sale


more people started to participate in the auction.


On October 18, 2020, the last day of the auction, the bidding became more aggressive.

2020 年10 月18 日这一天截止日,开始出现了集中的竞拍

The top left red block and the bottom right block in blue were valued more than the other blocks by bidders.


At the last moment before the auction closed, a collector, named Geoffrey x successfully purchased both the blue and the red block.

在拍卖结束的最后一刻,一位名为Geoffrey X的藏家同时拍下了蓝色和红色块。

Geoffrey X revealed in his interview, he realized at the last moment that his act of bidding became a part of this artwork.

在采访中,Geoffrey X 透露道:“他在最后一刻才发现他的收藏行为变成了这件作品的一部分。”