Red and Blue | A vision of the times for encrypted art(红与蓝|加密艺术的时代愿景)

At 22:00 Beijing time on October 18, crypto art platform OpenSea’s year-long work “Red and Blue” saw its final deadline. After fierce online bidding, ID GeoffreyX collected both the red and blue crypto color blocks metaphorically representing the ideologies of China and the United States, and said, “I hope that the progress of technology and the changes in art can once again help human society reunite.

北京时间 10 月 18 日 22:00,加密艺术平台 OpenSea 历时一年的作品《红与蓝》迎来最终的截止时间。经过激烈的网络竞价,ID GeoffreyX 同时收藏了代表中美两国意识形态的红色和蓝色加密色块,并表示「我希望技术的进步和艺术的嬗变,可以再一次帮助人类社会重新凝聚。」

刘嘉颖,Red and Blue,2019

October 18, 2019 – Sino-U.S. relations, while slightly fractious in the trade arena, do not affect the thriving global economy. Import and export demand is strong, and international cultural exchanges are frequent. Liu Jiaying, who is preparing her master’s graduation creation at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, tried to make a work about the relationship between major countries with the elements of crypto art. She chose red to represent the flag of China and blue to represent that of the United States, and set up 100 blocks of color transition in between to represent the different degree of the acceptance of different values. The length and width of the blocks are presented in the 3:2 ratio of the Olympic flag, and the minimalist blocks form a square in the virtual art community website CryptoVoxel, which is displayed as an NFT image for bidding on the crypto art platform OpenSea.

2019 年 10 月 18 日,中美关系虽然在贸易领域稍有摩擦,但并不影响全球经济的欣欣向荣。进出口需求旺盛,国际间文化交流频繁。正在中央美术学院准备硕士毕业创作的刘嘉颖试着以加密艺术的元素做一个关于大国关系的作品。她从两国国旗上分别选取红色代表中国,蓝色代表美国,中间设置 100 块颜色的过渡来代表价值认同的倾向。色块的长宽按照奥运会国旗 3:2 的比例呈现,在虚拟艺术社区网站 CryptoVoxel 中,极简的色块组成一个方形,以 NFT 图像的形式在加密艺术平台 OpenSea 上展示竞价。


Does the News dictate price direction? Is patriotism a factor that supports market prices? Is the global distribution of digital currency users relevant to voting? Can the middle color block, representing neutrality, be at the heart of the bidding …… Liu Jiaying incorporated all of these questions into the possibilities of the work in the form of artistic creation. 2020, to the world’s surprise, came the last day of bidding for Red and Blue on October 18, after 10 months of living in uncertainty.

新闻报道会主导价格走向吗?爱国主义是支撑市场价格的因素吗?数字货币用户的全球分布与投票有关吗?代表中立的中间色块能成为竞价的核心吗……刘嘉颖将这些问题以艺术创作的形式统统纳入到作品的可能性当中。2020 年,出乎全世界意料,在经历了 10 个月的不确定生活后,10 月 18 日到了《红与蓝》竞价的最后一天。

As with all online auctions, the bidding was quiet in the early going, and then went into overdrive 2 days before the cutoff. 100 Blue was bid by ID Meteor2020 on October 16, moving into the 2 ETH ladder early, at which point ID GeoffreyX began to raise the bid. After the blue color block was challenged, Meteor2020 moved to #1 red, which was bid at 2.0 ETH on October 17 before being overtaken by GeoffreyX’s bid. After two days of exciting bidding, blue went to GeoffreyX for 2.5588 ETH (~$956) and red for 2.3162 ETH (~$869) at the same time.

与所有的网络拍卖一样,前期的竞价风平浪静,在截拍前的 2 天,竞价进入了白热化阶段。100 号蓝色 10 月 16 日由 ID Meteor2020 出价,提前进入 2 ETH 的梯队,此时 ID GeoffreyX 开始加价。蓝色色块受到挑战后,Meteor2020 转向 1 号红色,10 月 17 日,红色出价 2.0 ETH,随后被 GeoffreyX 出价赶超。在经过了两天激动人心的竞价后,蓝色以 2.5588 ETH (约 956 美元),红色以 2.3162 ETH (约 869 美元)同时被 GeoffreyX 竞得。

100 号蓝色块

成交价 2.5578 ETH 收藏者:GeoffreyX

1 号红色块

成交价 2.3153 ETH 收藏者:GeoffreyX

The 100 color blocks of “Red and Blue” fetched a total of 5.2751 ETH (about $1978), with blue #100 being the highest bid, followed by red #1, and the other blocks bidding a combined 0.4001 ETH (about $150). The result was an adventure in crypto-art for the fresh graduate student, Jiaying Liu, who was thrilled with each bid, did her pre-determined factors influence the direction of the work? Or are these cultural values worthless in the face of NFT’s investment properties? We had the opportunity to reach out to GeoffreyX and asked him a few questions.

「红与蓝」100 个色块共拍得 5.2751 ETH (约 1978 美元),100 号蓝色价格最高,其次为 1 号红色,其他色块竞价总和为 0.4001 ETH (约 150 美元)。这个结果对于研究生刚毕业的刘嘉颖来说是一次加密艺术的探险,每一次竞价都让她激动不已,是她预设的因素影响了作品的走向吗?或者这些文化价值在 NFT 的投资属性面前不值一提?我们有机会联系到 GeoffreyX,并问了 ta 几个问题。

Conversation on the red and blue bidding


Congrats on getting both of the most important color blocks.


GeoffreyX: Thanks. I should say that each color block is equally important, and these two probably drew more attention. Interestingly, this is precisely the same characteristic as the two human social realities they refer to, metaphorically speaking. Simply put, these are two ‘Netflix’ color blocks. Everyone likes ‘Netflix’, and I am not exempt from it.


How did you find out about this work? 你是怎么知道这件作品的?

GeoffreyX: By chance, I saw the auction of this work in a group discussing blockchain technology. When I opened the link, I saw that this work was exactly what I was looking for, namely “an NFT work that fits the spirit of the times”. So I took the time to participate in the auction while waiting for my flight.

GeoffreyX:很偶然,我是从一个讨论区块链技术的群里看到这个作品拍卖的消息。打开链接一看,发现这个作品正符合我寻找的目标,即「与时代精神契合的 NFT 作品」。所以利用出差候机的时间就参与了一把。

Is it a coincidence that the final bids for both color blocks went to you and Meteor2020, and both started at 2 ETH?

两个色块最后的竞价都是你和 Meteor2020,而且都是从 2 ETH 的价格开始,这是个巧合吗?

GeoffreyX: It was a coincidence. But I was a little nervous about the final bidding process. It wasn’t like Sotheby’s or Christie’s where the action is fixed every year, the rules of the game were completely new. Also, the internet lagged a lot.


What is the core of the “Red and Blue” bidding?

GeoffreyX: The rise of any new art style or genre must be closely aligned with the spirit of the times. Tradition and the classics have their own immortal value, but new art must find a new aesthetic quality, one that will capture the projection left by the changes of the times in the tension of human nature. NFT art is certainly no exception. And this time Liu Jiaying’s “Red and Blue” bid is an attempt to “capture” it.

GeoffreyX:任何一个新艺术风格或流派的兴起,一定是与当时的时代精神紧密契合的。传统和经典自有其不朽价值,但新艺术必须找到新的审美特质,这一特质将能够抓住时代变迁在人性张力中留下的投影。NFT 艺术当然也不例外。而此次刘嘉颖「红与蓝」竞价就是一次「抓住」的尝试。

Whether it is the decentralized utopia represented by blockchain technology, or the rise of techno-nationalism; whether it is the crisis-ridden, conflict-ridden and polarized world we live in at the moment, or the demand for the unbalanced globalization to be responsible for the division of global communities… …bidding on a mix of different ideologies in color blocks, an act that in itself triggers participants to think about and choose from the above dilemma. As for my choice to bid on two solid colors, it is because I still perceive the common value pursuit of human beings from the already polarized ideologies, and because I hope that the progress of technology and the transmutation of art can once again help human society to reunite.

无论是 NFT 艺术的底层——区块链技术所代表的去中心化乌托邦,还是技术民族主义的兴起;无论是当下我们身处的危机重重、冲突不断的两极分化的世界,还是要求失衡的全球化对全球社群的分裂负责……竞买不同意识形态混合的色块,这一行为本身触发了参与者对以上困境的思考与选择。至于我选择竞价两个纯色,是因为我从已然极化的意识形态中仍然能感知到人类共同的价值追求,也因为我希望技术的进步和艺术的嬗变,可以再一次帮助人类社会重新凝聚。

How many crypto artworks do you have in your collection? Do you have physical works, or traditional works?


GeoffreyX: This is my first crypto art collection. There are a few small collections of traditional art, a personal preference.


Traditional art is more likely to take me back in time and allow me to find a connection to known time. Crypto art is the future and more likely to spark my curiosity about the unknown time.


What are your expectations for the future of crypto art?

GeoffreyX: The future of new art is unpredictable. So, it’s more fun.

I also expect the original creator of this work, Jiaying Liu, to create more NFT works that hit the times and hearts.


我也期待这个作品的原创人刘嘉颖可以创作更多击中时代与人心的 NFT 作品。


Biddings list

No. 1 2.3153 ETH
Collection ID(收藏ID): GeofferyX

No.2 0.03 ETH
Collection ID(收藏ID): 5023D8

No.3 0.1 ETH
Collection ID(收藏ID):: 5023D8

No.4 0.01 ETH
Collection ID(收藏ID): Jackpot

No.13 0.02 ETH
Collection ID(收藏ID): JuneCai

No.29 0.011 ETH
Collector(收藏者): Space-eth

No.47 0.01 ETH
Collection ID(收藏ID): OkNFT

No.51 0.05 ETH
Collection ID(收藏ID): 5023D8

No.55 0.03 ETH
Collection ID(收藏ID): Robbie

No.64 0.01 ETH
Collection ID(收藏ID): OKNFT

No.89 0.05 ETH
Collection ID(收藏ID): AxGuo

No.97 0.011 ETH
Collection ID(收藏ID): WeareallSatoshi

No.99 0.05 ETH
Collection ID(收藏ID): 3937E2

No.98 0.05 ETH
Collection ID(收藏ID): 3937E2

No.100 2.5578 ETH
Collection ID(收藏ID): GeofferyX

文章来源:优看(YouView) 2020-10-21 13:24