Out of Nothing

“Out of Nothing” is the first crypto art experiment initiated by artist CryptoZR.


The artwork was created in December 2017 and released on January 5, 2018.


The artist modified the Ethereum ERC20 token standard, allowing each Ethereum address to display a token called PRO.

艺术家修改了以太坊ERC20代币合约,使得每个以太坊地址都能够显示一种代币,名叫PRO Token

This meant that over 500,000 active Ethereum addresses at that time would receive 88,888 PRO Tokens simply by opening their wallets.

这意味着当时以太坊的五十多万个活跃地址只要打开钱包,就会凭空出现88888枚PRO Token

The artist designed a mechanism during the token generation event where the 88,888 tokens on each address would only become active when users made their first transfer.


Some people transferred tokens to others while others transferred them to their own addresses.


About two weeks later, this new token was listed on the decentralized exchange “Etherdelta.”


The first trade of PRO occurred on the 34th day of the experiment, where 4 million PRO were purchased with 0.28 ETH.


This artwork explores the concept of how consensus is formed and how the legitimacy of currency is derived from consensus.


Even if the token itself is meaningless, as long as more people pay attention to it, its value will gradually increase.
